The LMC Group is a performance based company specializing in development and real estate related
ventures, sales, new construction, and fixed real estate related asset sales. Our people are real estate, and
have been participating and working in the field for over 25 years. Experience is a given with LMC.
Based in Wilmington, NC, The LMC Group contains a full-service commercial
real estate company, a full service residential real estate company, a project
specific development company, and an asset based sales and marketing arm.
We are dedicated to helping property owners, buyers of real estate, sellers of
real estate, developers, and investors understand and navigate the eastern
North Carolina real estate market. We are an active, boots on the ground
The LMC Group provides out of the box solutions and profit potential to any deal. Our strengths and
experience brings credibility to any situation. We remain grounded and provide a boots on the ground
approach, not just pass the deal around and see what happens. We are aggressive in our approach and
work circles around our competition. We enable our customers and clients to make the best decisions
possible by providing strategic consulting and transaction services that enhance value, reduce costs and
manage risk. We may participate in a deal or simply provide the know how, which allows our customers
and clients to decide for themselves the best approach for achieving their goals.
Give us a call today. See for yourself how we work. We are performance based and gladly meet with
anyone that needs assistance. Our initial discovery is free of charge. Our promise to you is that we will
put forth the effort to evaluate what you have, determine where you want to be, and if we can’t help you,
then we will place you in touch with the right person who can.
Call or email us today...............
Opening Doors, Growing Communities